I'm not so sure about this whole giving birth thing anymore and I'm second guessing this whole pregnancy thing.
Why is the 9th month the one with all the doubt? its bogus. All that should happen in the beginning and by the end you should be ready to go.
le sigh...
Oh well, wish me luck with my last 4' weeks.
On the bright side look how well I can balance a cinnamon roll on my stomach. and my bro-in-law Nick has a nice resting stop for his as well.

man i'm huge.
i started reading a book called The Complete Organic Pregnancy (im a bit of a hippy at heart). There was a story about a women who gained 25 lbs in the first 3 months she was pregnant. She said that the only way that she could keep herself from throwing up was by eating baked goods around the clock. I'm really not sure what this had to do with living organically... just a random story that pops in my head every now and again.
that baby will be so sweet! XOXO
Wow! A cheesecake a day? well, at least she was getting her calcium intake... i was actually talking to Ed one day about how whipped cream constitutes as adding to my deficit of calcium... it turns out, it doesn't. there is virtually NO calcium in whipped cream. it's basically straight fat. did i mention i started buying it in bulk? sad, but true.
I can't wait to snuggle that cute little boy!!
Your not big your beautiful - now lay off the potato salad....errr baby potato salad...
Hey its Alisha. You are going to be an awsone mom. You baby is going to be so cute.
have you already had your baby?
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