Monday, December 22, 2008

I love christmas

especially a tree with pretty presents underneath!

(notice one of Daisy's rattles doubles as an ornament)

Friday, December 19, 2008


That I really do have that pregnancy glow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Its raining

and i love it!!

I dont have anything to interesting to blog about and haven't downloaded pictures in a while so you will have wait for an important post.
Until then just know that lately there is A LOT more of mama devz to love, so if you see me a compliment would be nice.
I leave you with this awesome music video by MGMT. 
Get your dance on!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

if this doesnt make you happy...

..then I dont know what will.
I can't wait to have family dance parties with Presto and Conway and dance to this song.

P.S. I am officially 32 weeks preggo now. YIKES!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I should be showering...

but why is this song so good??

seriously. Ok I am going to have my second round of breakfast and hurry up and get to work.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So my earlier post got deleted? So I will re-write what I wrote this morning. It was a good night in the Gardner household last night for two reasons #1 our man won, and that was exciting. It would have been fine either way but we couldnt help but be excited, #2 all the prints Presto Jones has been collecting (he has been quite the art collector) of Obama will def. go up in price! Which means ebay here we come! It will all go towards our insurance deductable so really Obama, we couldn't have this baby without you!
p.s. I'm getting really anxious for this baby to come

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today I shall vote and wear my super cute new headband.

I made it yesterday when me and Kelli crafted our little hearts out!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mama Devz NEEDS a Moto Jacket

Will someone PLEASE buy me this jacket? If you don't then I will just have to do it myself and I wont be happy about it. I need it to complete my maternity fashion dreams. And its the least inexpensive motorcycle jacket I have found. Let me know if you've seen another good one anywhere.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've got my mind on my baby and my baby on my mind

So being pregnant is awesome.

me sa loves it.(thats jar jar binks jargon)

I want to buy lots of things for this baby, and in my dream world this is what I would buy:

I LOVE this crib. Its so modern.

and this dresser/changing table:

Believe it or not I found these on Walmart's website. too bad they are still a bit pricey for mama devz. darn this new outlook on money and trying to be smart with it.
Also I just LOVE all the small paul things for little boys. I can just picture cuddling him in this outfit:

and watching him play with these:

ahhhh all the stuff is so exciting, but mainly i'm just ready to have a Baby Conway to play with.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Back!

I know everyone has been bummed out by my lack of posts, so I'm jumping back on the bloggn' train!

A couple of months ago we had the pleasure of watching Brooke's baby Sloany for a weekend. We love us some Sloan thats for sure, although the diarrhea Brooke failed to mention and Sloan's love to sit on absolutely anything...(really she tried to sit on a picture that was hanging on a wall).. was slightly tiring we had fun. She really loved lamby, a stuffed lamb Hilari got me for my b-day after coveting it for two Target easter seasons. 

here is the evidence:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kung Fu Fighting

disclaimer: I am wearing weird culottes only for the relaxn' purpose.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where are you yeezy?

I love KanYe West.

more then most things. not all things but most. for my b-day presto got me AWESOME tickets to see the glow in the dark tour. This wasn't your run of the mill hi hop jammn' concert. This was an event, it was broadway meets close encounters of the 3rd kind. Complete with a space ship named Jane that helped Kanye find his way through intergalactic highway. It was the coolest thing i have ever seen.  I took Brooke with me, we were complete with our crystaled shutta' shades. HOLLLLLLLA!!!

this is my fav song feat. Kanyizzzle at the moment.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Barge and in Charge

This morning I was talking my main squeeze Presto Jones and asked why we had to be apart on this lovely day and he said because we have to work on the barge. At first I was taken back but barge rhymes with a bunch of things so I let it go and the rest of the morning was filled with songs about working on oil barges. We have a lot of fun Presto Jones and I.

and we like dance..

Friday, May 9, 2008


Who knew that everything in my life would revolve around tweens.

Work- I have to supply these tweens with all the tights and furry duffle bags their lil' hearts desire.

Stress- Try getting a self conscious 12yr old to tell you if her ballet shoes fit well..I will just say it takes a good hour.

Entertainment- Pretty much ever party I attend is overflowing with tweens.

So thats that. I hang around tweens. I can't blame them for loving me though I mean..come on..
I Drive!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wanna get Dirrtay?

I suppose I shall blog today. and instead of thinking of something clever I will just tell you what i have done so far today:

went to the gym

went to the grocery store to buy eggs

came home

made my fried egg

watched the today show/read perez

got dressed

went to work.

now i am blogging and listening to Neil Diamond.

notice how between going to the gym and getting dressed there was no shower. i'm very concerned about water conservation, not to be mistaken with being lazy.

nah actually i'm just disgusting.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

summma' lovn'

lets get our swim on, our tan on, our hot on, our slurpees on, our beach on, our vacay on!!!!!!
....we should also get our beans on....

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Friday, March 7, 2008


If this is my brain on drugs...

then pass the LSD cause there aint nothing i love more then a fried egg.
well actually two fried eggs (one whole on extra egg white), a tortilla and a glass of OJ.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


This is my new FAV band.



and oh so DEVZ.

Check out this video: Justice - DVNO

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my blahg

This blahg is dedicated to my mother who loves me.